Wednesday, October 1, 2008

$700 Billion Not Enough!

$700 Billion was a bad bill that did not pass, so the Senate did the only "logical" thing their brains could conceive and they added 108 billion on top of it!!! GiveUsABreak!

Instead of taking some of that $700 Billion and reworking it so the little guy gets some of it, the only path these elected folks in the Senate could discover was to add more debt on top of the already over the top numbers.

The Congress needs to use the tools that they already have. For example...

The basic problem is that the banks do not have cash to spread around. A very simple solution would be to repeal the income tax on the interest earned from bank savings accounts. That would make them attractive, people would start saving and putting money into banks and the banks would have the money to lend.

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best one. But all our elected officials can conceive is a mounting debt that will haunt our children and grandchildren for decades to come.


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